Highlights from Emily

Created by Emily 2 years ago

Rach, the year you dressed as the girl off The Exorcist was not only genius with your white contact lenses, granny night dress and green vomit down it but made more hilarious by the fact you just casually nipped into the CoOp in Morton to grab fags with onlookers stood in shock. Brilliant.

The time we were in Prezzo and one of the girls in our partys' false eyelash fell off, you stuck it on your upper lip and started doing Hitler waves. Reaching for air lol.

Another Prezzo time and you walked into the restaurant with the brightest pink hair, our jaws were on the floor and when we asked what made you dye it, you just responded 'well I didn't expect it to be this pink, it's not that pink is it?! Oh well it will fade...' Erm.....no Rach.... not that Pink at all, ha ha. You absolutely rocked it, you looked amazing.

Please find peace and dye your hair every colour of the rainbow possible.

Em x